Good-bye, Indra!

Dr. Mukhopadhyay Indrajit from India, who has been in our Lab. for 7 months since last Nov., leaved Japan on 15 Jun. I would like to express my sincere thanks to him for his contribution to my Lab. He gave us a lot of things, e.g. new materials which we had not handled, new experimental techniques which we did not know, etc. He also showed his ceaseless effort for his science. It encourages all the students, I believe.

Students prepared fried noodle (yakisoba) without poke chops for him on his farewell party. The above picture is a cake served on the party. In fact, there was a message to him from students which was written on a white chocolate. But it can not be seen because the picture was taken from the backside by Dr. Indra himself. The message seemed to be difficult for him to understand.